Good Morning All and HAPPY FRIDAY
Most people will say -> THANK GOD IT’S FRIDAY!!!
Friday . . .
Wow!!! Weekend is coming!
After today, I can take a break from traffic
After today, I can enjoy my expensive apartment I seldom stay in
After today, I can have a good sleep
After today, I can have do visit my old friends
After today, I can have quality time with my family
After today, Monday is so far away.
And many more realistic reasons to be happy and thank God . . . .
This morning, I want to counsel us to conscious thank God for today and every other day.
We have today because of a reason;
Not because, we are so beautiful;
Not because, we prayed so hard last night
Not because, we open our eyes wide open through the night
Not because, we live in a safe community
It is because Today is a Special Gift from God
I want to urge us not to take each day for granted or see it as a normal occurrence.
It is then you will be able to thank God.
As you read this, Say this Loud on your Seat
God I thank you for Giving Me Today!!!
“Each day is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him.” ― T.D. Jakes
As God as giving us today as gift, make it a point of duty to thank God consciously.

Right now, take a pause;
Quickly think through all those things you have achieved and privileged to have.
ü Think of the rough time you use to have that is now past tense.
ü Think of the time you were very sick and thought it might be the end.
ü Think of the accident you narrowly missed.
ü Think of the divine intervention you experience in your life
Say this Loud, again
God I thank you for Giving Me Today!!!
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. {James 1:7}
The scripture above put it to us that all this gifts we are gotten in our lives comes from only one place; from God.
It will therefore be unfair not to reflect on this or still complain.
Be careful for nothing, but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. (Philippians 4:6)
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. {1 Thess 5:18}
God is usually not happy when we don’t thank him because he specifically asks us to give thanks.
Sometimes, it is difficult to consciously that God for some reasons; there are obstacles that the devil is hindering us from appreciating God.
Obstacles to Thanking God
1. Thoughtlessness: It's interesting that "think" and "thank" come from the same root word.
Often times, we are not thankful, because:
1. Often we are not grateful because we just don't think.
2. We don't think of what God has done for us.
3. We don't think of God's love and care for us.
4. Many are like hogs feeding at the trough, eating, and never looking up to see where their food is coming from.
2. Discontentment: A. before we can genuinely be thankful, we must develop contentment. Phil. 4:11-12; 1 Tim. 6:6-8
Too many suffer from the "thanks...but" syndrome.
a. They are grateful, but are not satisfied.
b. They say "thanks," but ask, "How can I receive more?"
c. They say "thanks," but ask "why didn't I receive something else?"
3. Selfishness: Those who have been blessed by God must learn to be a blessing. {Matt. 18:23-35}

The servant owed his master an enormous sum. It took about 15 years of labor to earn one talent; thus, it would take 150,000 years of labor to pay his debt. His fellow servant owed him 100 denarii, which was the common day's wages; thus, it would take about 100 days of labor to pay his debt.
Also showing mercy to others indicates that we are not thankful for the mercy God has shown to us. Matt. 18:35
4. DOUBT: This basically not believing the soverign power of God.
Giving thanks is the spontaneous expression of those who have a genuine faith in God.
People who refuse to believe can never really be thankful.
It was clear in the bible that the healed leper recognized that Jesus was the one who had sovereignly healed and saved him. The other nine presumably did not properly connect their healing to Jesus’ sovereign power because they did not return to thank Jesus.
A lot doubt the power of God;
Ø To heal them probably because the sickness has been for a long time.
Ø To give them a better Job probably because they did not have a good grade.
Ø To intervene in their home, probably because the strange woman has taken the heart of their husband.
The bible say;
With God, all things are possible {Mat 19:26}
If you will just believe, you will see the glory of God {John 11:40}
I Decree in to your life today
As you believe, you will see the Glory of God, In the name of Jesus.
Let us all as much as possible be thankful today; most especially be thankful every day.
Ø As you do so, the lord will do great and mighty things in your life.
Ø You will never experience the cause to cry in the name of Jesus.
Ø You family shall forever experience bliss in the name of Jesus.
Ø Happiness, Joy, laughter, peace and grace shall be your lot in the name of Jesus.
Say this Loud, again
God I thank you for Giving Me Today!!!
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