Message inspired from revised jottings from a sermon by Dr. D.K Olukoya. General Overseer of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries.


A critical part of the body that possesses the power of miracle, healing, and at the same time destruction and calamity is the mouth.

The words of your mouth can work wonders in your life and transform your destiny. At the same time, it can bring failure and ruin a glorious destiny.

A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul. {Prov 18:7}

The Mouth has a dangerous capacity to kill and it has become a snare for the enemy to attack a lot of people.

Always consider this when you Speak

·      If everyone hears everything said about them, will you still have friends?

·      If your company hears what you said about them as an employee, will you still have a Job?

Why you should control your mouth

1.   Your mouth determines who you will become in future

2.   Your life today is a function of your declarations yesterday

3.   The words can destroy what you have achieved

4.   Lack of Mouth Control can take you to hell fire.

"But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they
shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment.”
{Mat 18:7}

Power of the Word of Your Mouth

o   The words of your mount are potent.

o   Your words have healing Powers

o   Your Words can work wonders in your life

o   Your words can redefine your destiny

o   Your words can color your life positive

o   Your words can bring success or failure

o   Your words possess the power of life and death

The major Problem is that there is no single Mystery of the word is that your life and body can respond to the Words of your mouth


 It is dangerous to prophesy negative words to your life. When you say my headache, my ulcer, my hypertension, you are accepting them and if they are not there, the words has capacity to put them into your life.

Make a decision today that:

·      You shall not use your mouth to Slander,

·      You shall not use your mouth to Gossiper

·      You shall not be a Satanic broadcaster

·      You shall be a good news broadcaster

·      You will be silent when there is nothing to say. Don't talk for the sake of talking.

·      You will keep quiet when talking will not change anything

Wise men listen more than talking

People that need Mouth Control

·      People that run others down with their mouth.

·      People that verbally lashed out at others

·      People that say thing they will regret latter

·      People that help spread gossip

·      People that use Gods ‘name in vain

·      People that exaggerate unconfirmed story

·      People who backbite

A lot of mouths need deliverance.

Pray like this:

-          O Lord my father, deliver my mouth in the name of Jesus.

  How to control the Mouth

o   Confess and repent from mouth sin

o   Guide your heart which causes you to misuse your mouth

o   Go through serious mouth deliverance

o   Ask God to help you

o   Listen before you speak

o   Think before you speak

Keep the Holy Spirit on the guard of your mouth. Never speak unless the Lord gives you permission


Prayer points

1.   Bondage and destruction in my tongue die in the name of Jesus.

2.   Poison spirit in my mouth, die in the name of Jesus.

3.   Blood of Jesus, purge my mouth in the name of Jesus.

4.   Fire of God purge my tongue from every pollution in the name of Jesus

5.   Resurrection power of Jesus, resurrect every good thing the mouth has killed in my life in the name of Jesus.

6.   I declare today that through my mouth I shall control the blessings into my life in the name of Jesus.

7.   Every evil gates open into my life through my mouth, be closed forever in the name of Jesus.






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