Mon. 28/3/2022  

Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 310, 419

Devotional Reading: Rom. 6:1-14

Topic For Adults: Don’t Be Deceived!

Topic For Youths: Grace Is Not A Liberty To Live In Sin

Topic For Intermediate: Don’t Make Grace An Excuse To Sin

Lesson Scriptures: Jn. 1:14-17; Rom. 6:1-14; Tit. 2:11-14;

Gal. 2:16-17; Heb. 4:14-16.


What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? 

Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?”

(Romans 6:1-2) NKJV.



         Hebrews. 1-1-10

Paul painstakingly summit that Jesus is superior to angels, Moses and High Priest. The new covenant is as well superior to the old. Jesus is greater than Jewish leader. Jesus Christ’s atonement is the perfect sacrifice for our sin. God’s intolerance for sin made Him to perfect our forgiveness through Jesus Christ. He remove sin that separate us from God’s presence. Anyone who believes in Him is covenant with grace. Such person is no more condemned of sin and its consequence.

Point of Emphasis: Jesus is greater than the greatest. He removes sin that separates us from God.

Prayer Point: God, we are grateful for giving us Jesus Christ who removed the wall of hostility between us and You.

Reading The Bible Through in a Year: Morning: Eph. 4:17-32; Evening: Ps. 5-8



Grace, also known as unmerited favour, is what grants us unhindered access to the Father and qualifies us for eternal rest with God. All we are and have in God is because of favour. Grace made salvation available without price, labour or effort. There is nothing we have access to in God without the provision of grace. However, as wonderful as grace is, we can and should not take it for granted. Grace does not condone sin. This is the subject matter for this week’s lesson.



    PART 1: THE DISPENSATION OF GRACE - JN. 1:14-17; ROM. 6:14

    Before the dispensation of grace, there was the Mosaic dispensation with its uniqueness as God did not condone sin. God frowned at anyone who went against righteousness. Adam and Cain were major examples of men who lived during this era and neither of them was spared when they sinned. The multiplication of sin made God destroy the world with flood in the times of Noah (Gen. 6-9).

    In the Mosaic dispensation, the law was given. This meant that God wanted His people to carefully obey Him. He told Joshua not to let the book of the law depart from his mouth (Jos. 1:8) so he could carefully obey what was written in it. What God was driving at for giving the law was to ensure that His people had a guide that would keep His relationship with them. A total of 613 commandments were given in the Mosaic Law.

    In the dispensation of grace, God replaced them with grace. We can only access grace through the Lord Jesus (Jn. 1:17; Rom. 6:14). Grace simply means salvation is free for all to access. All that is required of you is your faith in the Lord Jesus as your Saviour and Lord. Believe in who He is and what He did to save you and you will be saved (Rom. 10:8-10). One major defect of the Mosaic law was that once a man broke one of the 613 laws, he had broken all but in the dispensation of grace, once you have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, you have fulfilled the law because Jesus is the fulfilment of the law (Matt. 5:17; 8:3-4; 10:4). Let no one deceive you, all you need to be saved is your faith in the personality of Jesus and His finished work on the Cross for you. Faith in Jesus gives you power over sin.



    Grace is wonderful! It makes salvation free for all. Anyone and everyone can access salvation no matter who he or she is. But as simple as it is, there are some misconceptions about grace that can make us abuse it. We need to be aware of some of these misconceptions in order for us to fully enjoy God’s provisions through grace.

    Some of these misconceptions are; (1) Grace downplays the seriousness of sin. This is not true as different Bible passages clearly rebuke sin. Many people commit sin and hide it under the umbrella of grace. Grace is not an alibi to commit sin. Many false teachers teach the doctrine of eternal security that says, “once saved, you are forever saved” and that “you cannot go to hell even if you die in sin”. This is not true as the Bible clearly revealed that those who indulge in sin would end up in eternal torment. The Bible says ‘Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?’ (2)There is no need for believers to repent on the premise that the previous, present and future sin are forgiven because of grace. (3) Sanctification as optional. This is heresy from the pit of hell. The Bible talks about sanctification for believers in Acts 20:32; 1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Thess. 2:13; Heb. 12:14. (4) Downplaying personal responsibility on account of grace. Some believe that because we are saved by faith and not works, we do not need to take responsibility for what we do and the decisions we take believer should know that faith without works is dead” (Jam 2:26). (5) The law is no longer relevant because of grace. Yes, we are made right by faith and not by law but do we completely throw away the law because of grace? Though we are free from the ceremonial laws of the Old Testament, we still need to obey the moral laws. The law is no more our ticket to heaven but in loving our neighbours as ourselves, the moral laws come to play here (Mk. 12:31).

    PART 3: GRACE: OUR TEACHER – TIT. 2:11-14; GAL. 2:16-17; HEB. 4:14-16

    In Titus 2:11-14 the Bible presents grace to us as a teacher. The Bible says; “for the grace of God has appeared to all men, teaching us that,…”. First of all we need to note that there is no partiality in grace, it is for all men irrespective of gender, race, status, culture, ethnicity etc. Whatever grace wants to teach is for all and anyone can access the throne of grace. Jesus paid the price for all.

    According to Tit. 2:11-14, there are three major areas of concentration for grace as our teacher.

    (1) To teach us to deny ungodliness and worldly lust. Anyone who claims to have found grace must allow grace to teach him how to deny ungodliness and worldliness. We cannot claim to enjoy the grace of God and at the same time partake in all manner of ungodly and worldly acts. 

    (2) To live soberly, righteously and godly in this present age. As corrupt as this present age is, grace will teach us how to be righteous and holy. There is no excuse for any believer who fails to live a righteous life because grace is available for us all. 

     (3) To look forward for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour - Jesus Christ, grace will continue to strengthen those who remain focused until He returns. Anyone who claims to be waiting for the return of the Lord has to live right to justify his waiting (1 Jn. 3:1-3).

    Those that needs help to overcome sin should come boldly to the throne of grace.


    There are several misconceptions about grace which have led many to hell. Though grace is free, it does not condone any form of worldliness and ungodliness. It helps us live right and to patiently await the coming of our Lord Jesus while we maintain our purity and holiness. God, through the grace. There is no excuse for anyone not to live according to the standard expected of God.


    1. What are the three dispensations highlighted according to today’s lesson?

    2. Point out the characteristics of each of these dispensations in the Scriptures.

    3. Clearly explain some of the misconceptions about grace and provide Biblical proof to nullify these misconceptions.

    4. Identify the three areas of concentration for grace as our teacher did.

    1. Explain God’s provision for anyone who is struggling with sin or any form of ungodliness.



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