Power Must Change Hands


6TH November 2021

Text:   Psalm 27:2; Isaiah 49:26



During the last Power Must Change Hands programme, we began to look at a very crucial topic(For Part 1, Click HERE). Today is a day to pray the concluding prayers which we could not finish last time. This is a matter that requires serious praying - curative prayer, preventive prayers, barricading prayers.

We read from Psalms 27:2 that day. If you were not here last PMCH, get the CD or go and listen to it online. It says, "When the wicked, even my enemies came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell."

 I began to explain to you last time that there is a terrible rage on now - the rage of the vampire spirits. Drinking blood, human blood. Wasting human lives. Cutting short a lot of destinies. They disgrace so many lives.

 They cause the wars, the chaos, the looting, the famine, the tragedies. And like a vampire does, they are interested in only one thing: blood. And so anywhere you see blood being shed, there is a spirit behind it. It is the spirit of the vampire. The eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood.

 It is unfortunate but it is true that there are so many possessed human beings now. They are possessed with this spirit, and they do not mind wasting lives.

 >>> Therefore, I am praying for all who are listening to me here today that any power that wants to use you as a sacrifice shall destroy themselves, in the name of Jesus.

 Their major interest is the blood they want to shed. The blood itself is an incredible material responsible for so many things in our lives. The blood is very complex and important to our lives. Blood, up till now cannot be manufactured; they only get blood from donors.

 The human is body soul and spirit. The human is a spirit living in a body and having a soul. That body is now divided into 3 compartments:

- the flesh

- the bones and

- the blood.

 So that blood you see is a living liquid. It is alive. So, the eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood head for this very important part of human life. And when they are hungry for blood, they are seeking for blood to put into their blood banks, they cause unexplainable accidents where blood is spilled anyhow.

 They are responsible for strange deaths, ritual sacrifices, murders, assassination. They are responsible for drying up sicknesses that doctors cannot explain. The eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood are responsible for wounds that have refused to heal.


They are responsible for many miscarriages, still births, abortions, and all kinds of maternal deaths. All the kidnappings, genocides, civil wars, terrorism, and all activities that lead to unnecessary shedding of human blood that waste lives, they are behind it.


Unfortunately, we have modern day vampires now; people who are interested, and enjoy human blood being shed.


>>> Therefore, I am decreeing right now, that in every life gathered here, in the whole of this nation and any part of the world where the vampire spirit is operating, we bind and cast them out, in the name of Jesus!


So, it is disaster to be ignorant of these things. Like I was sharing on Wednesday, there is always a spirit behind all these activities we are seeing. And if you do not deal with that spirit, it would continue.


We now must rise as Christians and use our most potent weapon which is the weapon of prayer to stop them before they stop us, to stop them before they take us over, to tell them “This is how far you can go, you cannot come close to our environment here."


We have the power to decide that we will not allow our environment to be overrun by the powers of the vampires. It is important to pray that they must destroy themselves. It is important to pray that their medicine, their fetish power, their magic will not work.


It is important to pray that these people will be put to shame: these kidnappers and ritual killers. I want you to raise up your hands in anger and shout this loud and clear:



>>> Powers behind ritual killers, arise, fight them, in the name of Jesus!


They operate in the spirit realm using the weapons of oppression, infirmity, spirit of death and hell, witchcraft powers, evil pronouncements, familiar spirits. They activate tragedy. They bring in the spirit of murder and assassination.


They bring in the spirit of suicide, the curse of family destruction, evil summon and environmental bondages and poisons. These are weapons they are using to waste human beings and drink blood. 


Today, we need to wage war against these powers and that is what the rest of our prayers today will concentrate on.


A barricading prayer that you will not be a sacrifice in their hands, an attacking prayer to dissolve their prayers, to wage war against them where they are and cancel their effects, then environmental prayer so they do not move close to where we are.




"Father, I commit my implements of labor/career/business unto your Holy hands. It is written that I know whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that whatsoever is committed unto Him He will keep against that day (2 Timothy 1:12).


Father, let these implements of labor/career/business become a battle axe to move my life forward in a new way in the name of Jesus.


Power of resurrection, power of restoration, power of divine favor, power of prosperity, power of breakthroughs, power of excellence, fall upon my implements of labor, in the name of Jesus.


By these instruments of labor, let me experience net-breaking testimonies. Let me experience uncommon breakthroughs. Let me experience coast enlargement. Let me experience divine acceleration, in the name of Jesus.


I soak my instruments of labor and business in the blood of Jesus. I soak them under the canopy of the fire of the God of Elijah. Beginning from now, let my instruments of labour begin to yield uncommon profits, uncommon testimonies, uncommon breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus."




1. Father Lord, let every satanic deposit be drained out of my business/career, in the name of Jesus.


2. Lord, let all the strange hands and legs hindering the prosperity of the works of my hands catch fire now, in the name of Jesus.


3. My Father, let the spirit of favour baptize my business/career for unprecedented prosperity, in the name of Jesus.


4. You implements of my labour, become a blessing and not a curse, in the name of Jesus.


5. Blood of Jesus, purge out every maggot, scorpion, and serpent in the implements of my labour, in the name of Jesus.


6. Every curse placed on the prosperity of the works of my hands, break by the power in the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus.


7. Father, let the riches of the ungodly in my environment be transferred into my hands, in the name of Jesus.


8. Lead me Lord, to my land that flows with milk and honey, in the name of Jesus.


9. Lord, let divine magnets of prosperity be planted in my hands, in the name of Jesus.


10. I retrieve my purse from the hand of the Judas of my father's house, in the name of Jesus.


11. I recover the steering wheels of my wealth from the hand of evil drivers in the name of Jesus.


12. Lord, let power change hands in my business/career for open heavens on my finances, in the name of Jesus.


13. Holy Spirit, direct my hands into prosperity, in the name of Jesus.


14. Every bewitching on the labour of my hands, scatter by fire in the name of Jesus.


[Before Ministration Prayers by Daddy GO]


1. Enemies seeking for the help of other enemies to fight me, you are liars, die in the name of Jesus.


2. Wind of God that will make my children excel, be activated now in the name of Jesus.


3. Powers holding me down from getting to the next level, what are you waiting for? Die in the name of Jesus.


4. Everything that has been wounded in my life, receive divine recovery in the name of Jesus.


5. Year 2021, hear the word of the Lord, you will not swallow any of my blessings, in the name of Jesus.


[After Ministration Prayers]


1. Power of the God of Elijah, envelope me now, in the name of Jesus.


2. Anything in my life acting as a ladder to the enemy, be wasted now, in the name of Jesus.


3. Eaters of flesh, drinkers of blood, in my environment, what are you waiting for? Die in the name of Jesus.


4. Powers postponing the days of my miracles, die in the name of Jesus.


5. Powers behind vampire spirits in Nigeria, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus.


6. Eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood in my place of work, die in the name of Jesus.


7. [Pray these 3 hot times]:

Blood of Jesus, write a new story about my life in the name of Jesus.


8. I recover all my blessings left in this year by the power in the blood of Jesus.


God bless you in Jesus’ name.


©2021 MFM H/Q Sermons Publication

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