Power Must Change Hands



Textual Source: John 3:7-8, 1 Corinthians 4:9

In John 3, Jesus was talking to Nicodemus. Now, Jesus thoroughly dealt with this man inspite of the knowledge the man claimed he had. In fact, the Man of Galilee got the man thoroughly confused.

The Lord said those who are born of the Spirit are like the wind. God made the apostles a spectacle: something people watch in wonder, they look at them in wonder.


When you become a divine phenomenon, you become a mystery. A mystery is:
- a secret
- something that baffles people
- something that is perplexing
- something that is strange
- something that cannot be explained
- something that is beyond power to explain.

We need to become mysterious men and women. Whether you and I like it or not, we are living in a very mysterious world and there are terrible things and mysterious things happening around us all the time. So, if you want to live in a mysterious world, and you want to survive in a mysterious world, you too must become mysterious.

You cannot expect to live here as a natural man, and you expect to succeed and be an overcomer. This is why unbelievers who do not know Jesus, go to receive strange powers to fortify themselves because they know they are in strange places. They know they are living in a mysterious world and because they do not know that there is a higher mystery, they subject themselves to satanic mystery.

It is amazing the kind of things that people do. Our world is full of mysteries and it takes mysteries to tackle mysteries. You must live a mysterious life to overcome the mysterious circumstances of this life in which we are in.

You must become a divine phenomenon. You must come to a time in your life when human beings do not understand you anymore, where human beings find it difficult to decode you.

"The wind bloweth where it listeth..." You just hear the sound of that wind, you do not know from where it is coming, you do not know where it is going to. " is everyone who is born of the Spirit". So, we are supposed to be as mysterious as the wind. It takes a mysterious approach to have a mysterious triumph or victory in this current world.

🔥 I can see somebody here this morning, within the next 24 hours, you shall receive a mysterious miracle, in the name of Jesus!

🔥 Within the next 24 hours, what you have battled for 10 years will collapse immediately, in the name of Jesus.

"The wind bloweth where it listeth". Wind is moving air. Wind is a bull dozer. Wind is invisible. You cannot catch it. You cannot see it. But the wind has cleansing power. The wind is one of the most powerful forces on the surface of the earth. That is the thing the Bible compares us to. That is why I am talking about wind.

The wind:
- is independent in motion.
- has penetrating power
- is completely unpredictable, you cannot predict the wind. When the wind starts in the air, those in the air know that wind is blowing.

If you are inside the plane when the wind starts, you will know. If you are on the sea and the wind starts, you will know. But the thing is this; believers are supposed to be like the wind.

- has a voice
- moves wherever it wants. It has no material shape. You cannot say it is like this or that.
- is an unseen force. So our lives are supposed to be as mysterious as that wind.

🔥 I am going to prophesy upon somebody now, that all those powers that are gathered against you, conspiring against you, the wind of the fire of God shall blow them away, in the name of Jesus.

SAY: Lord, make me a divine phenomenon by the the power in the blood of Jesus.

When you become that divine phenomenon, when men begin to look down on you, it is then your sun begins to shine. When men say you are finished, it is then you will rise and overshadow them. When men say it is over for you, it is then your stars begin to spring forth because you are as mysterious as the wind; and because you are as mysterious as the wind, every exit from something becomes entry into a better one for you.

All the anti-success calculations they are making against your life will just backfire.

When you become a divine phenomenon, every loss becomes a gain in disguise because you are as mysterious as the wind.

Because you are as mysterious as the wind, when your miracle starts, people will think it is a problem and what others call problems become promotions for you.

Read your Bible and read it very well. The children of Israel were crying in bondage. By the time God would begin to answer their prayer for deliverance, He did not go to start destroying the Egyptians, no. He started with a burning bush. What is the relationship between a burning bush and people who are in bondage? That is the mystery of God. Men who understand this mystery know how to move.

🔥 I pray that the Lord will give you illogical testimonies. The Lord will turn every mess, every rubbish in your life to a divine message, in the name of Jesus.

🔥 Any form of crying will become a crown, in the name of Jesus.

🔥 All the aggressive attacks against you will become stepping stones to breakthroughs. The Lord will lift you beyond explanations, in the name of Jesus.

The prayers we are going to start praying just now are the type that you should get ready for gossips, envy, criticism, because once you become a divine phenomenon, you become a gossip title.

They gossiped about Daniel because Daniel was beyond explanation. They said "what kind of person is this one?" Like the wind, they could not decode Daniel.

■ Like the wind, they will not decode you. They cannot explain you. You become a divine phenomenon, a divine film show, a divine spectacle.

I want you to understand this morning, what the Bible is telling us. We need to make God our friend. We need to befriend the Holy Spirit. We need to key into the mystery power of God. "The wind bloweth where it listeth, thou hearest the sound thereof but canst not tell whither it goeth or cometh. So is everyone that is born of the Spirit".

This morning, we are going to pray some prayers now on making you a divine phenomenon.

Open one of the oil bottles and put some into your mouth.

🔥 I place this oil in my mouth as a symbol and presence of the power of the Holy Spirit. Beginning from today, my mouth shall be larger than all the mouths of my enemies. As this oil enters into my mouth, let the rivers of living water flow into my body, soul, and spirit. As I swallow this oil, all diseases, all sicknesses, all germs are consumed and destroyed in the name of Jesus. Every arrow fired into my brain is going back to the senders. All badluck and disfavour are terminated. I am anointed with the oil of gladness in the name of Jesus. This anointing gives me favour in the eyes of men, in the eyes of angels, in the eyes of God. By this anointing that I did today, according to Isaiah 10:27, every yoke upon my life is broken, in the name of Jesus.

Place some oil in your ears
🔥 I place this anointing oil on my ears, the symbol of listening, a symbol of hearing. My ears must hear the word of life. My ears must hear God distinctly. My ears shall hear good news. I shall not listen to the voice of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.

Place oil on your hands and rub them together
SAY: 🔥 I anoint my hands, the symbol of my labour. Every good thing I lay my hands upon shall prosper by fire. Henceforth, my hands shall not be weak. My hands shall not be feeble. A thousand shall fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand but they shall never come near me. The Lord will open His hands into my hands. My hands shall not be slothful. My hands must be diligent. I shall never experience poverty. I shall not labour in vain. With these hands, I will excel in the name of Jesus. My God shall deliver my enemies into my hands, in the name of Jesus.

Sit down and anoint your feet with some oil
SAY: 🔥 I place this oil on my feet which is a symbol of my dominion. Everywhere the soles of my feet shall tread, the Lord will take it for me. I receive the anointing to tread upon serpents and scorpions. I shall not stumble. I shall walk everyday in victory. Every agenda of darkness for my movement, I frustrate them in the name of Jesus. My legs will carry me to my place of destiny. My legs will not lead me into danger. I receive dominion over every power of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.

[Before Message]
1. Fingers of the wicked in my body, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
2. Curses on my father's head, curses on my mother's head, seeking for my head, die, in the name of Jesus.
3. Powers blocking my glory, you are liars, die, in the name of Jesus.
4. Voices of "thou shall not prosper", targeted at me, expire, in the name of Jesus.
5. My glory, my glory, my glory, what are you doing in the coven of darkness? Break loose and jump out, in the name of Jesus.
6. Battles that have swallowed others in my family, you shall not swallow me, die, in the name of Jesus.
7. Voices telling me I am the next to die, shut up and die, in the name of Jesus.
8. Any power studying evil books to harm me, run mad and die, in the name of Jesus.
9. Powers that hate to hear good news about me, before I leave this place, die, in the name of Jesus.
10. (Lay your right hand on your head and mention your name) hear the word of the Lord, arise and shine in, the name of Jesus.

[After Message]
1. I plug my life into the supernatural power of God, in the name of Jesus.
2. Battles that reverse testimonies, I am not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus.
3. Powers supervising evil load in my life, you are liars, die, in the name of Jesus.
4. In my dreams tonight, O God, appear, in the name of Jesus.
5. Anointing that breaks the yoke, overshadow my life, in the name of Jesus.

God bless you in Jesus’ name.

©2021 MFM H/Q Sermons Publication

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