Making a way where there is no way
15TH , JULY 2022
- America's Give Something Away Day
READ: Isaiah 48:13
13 The Lord said to Moses, Why do you cry
to Me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward! Lift up your rod and stretch
out your hand over the sea and divide it, and the Israelites shall go on dry
ground through the midst of the sea
MEMORISE: “13 Yes, My hand has laid the foundation
of the earth, and My right hand has spread out the heavens; when I call to
them, they stand forth together [to execute My decrees].” - Exodus 14:15-16
Our omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient God promises us that
He would make way for us where there is no way. He promises to make a way in
the wilderness and river in the desert (Isa. 43v19), just as He did for the
Israelites in those days, making them miraculously go through the Red Sea on
dry ground (Exod.14v1ff).
God doesn't allow
doors to be closed against His people. In fact, He promises to break down gates
of bronze and bars of iron before them (Isa. 45v2). He is giving us several
opportunities to make do with. God's children don't get stalked or stranded.
Since the tree Hebrews in Nebuchadnezzar's fiery furnace were not disappointed,
who says you will be disappointed, and that God would not make a way where
there seems to be no way for you?
Peradventure some
doors are closed against you, making it difficult to progress, that is not
God's will/desire for you. It can be devil's strategy to get at you or make
life difficult for you. It might also have been caused by you-sin, negligence,
etc. Therefore, to enjoy God's open door, you have to do some things.
● Be obedient to God and His
Word (Psa. 107:20).
●Doing giving in God's way
command open doors as today marks America's Give Something Away Day (1 Kings
17v8-16, Lk.6v36).
●Prayer does all things; changes
all situations. Talk to God about the closed doors, and see God making way for
you (Jas.5v16-18).
●You need some measure of faith
to breakthrough (Lk.17v5-6).
1. Thank You Lord, for the doors of opportunities
You bring my way, and for the assurance of grace to make good use of them.
2. Every gate of brass and bars of iron barricading
my progress and fulfilment, be destroyed, in Jesus name.
3. O Lord, let Your Church experience unstoppable
open doors that would facilitate world evangelization in this end-time.
©2022 LIVING WATERS IS a daily devotional by THE
إرسال تعليق
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